Hello everyone, I've decided to start a new blog that is all about what I think. This blog is strictly my opinion. Anyone is welcome to argue my points of view or agree with them. Feel free to comment.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Here We Go Again

Well, here we go again.  Congress is trying to find a way to not close down the government by midnight tonight.  This is getting ridiculous.  What part of “Balance the budget” do these people not understand?  In 2008 when the Republicans cried “Foul” as the Democrats tried to push through very unpopular bills, they were told that “elections have consequences.”  The libs sat there knowing that they had won a great victory and would do as they pleased.  And they had all the votes they needed to pass any law that they wanted.  So why didn’t they pass a budget?  The budget for the current fiscal year was supposed to be passed before October 15th of last year.  Barney Franks has even publicly admitted that there simply wasn’t the will to do so.  And that is why we are in this mess.
             The Republicans took control of the House because the American people were fed up with unsustainable deficit spending.  The Republicans said that they were going to balance the budget and that is just what they are trying to do.  The liberals still think they can buy enough votes to win again if they can just keep raising entitlements.  When compared to the $14Trillion+ debt that we have run up, the amount being cut seems miniscule.  But Harry Reid and his bunch scream and whine over every penny.  And they can come up with some of the most outlandish lies you have ever heard about what will happen if the cuts that the Republicans are trying to make go through.  I actually read a report just a few days ago that said that if all of the cuts that the Republicans were asking for were passed that an estimated 70,000 children would die.  Actually if we defund Planned Parenthood, that many children may live to be born. 
            Let’s take a moment here to step back a bit and try to remember what the libs were screaming about for the last two years of the Bush Administration.  If I remember correctly the libs were screaming that he had gotten us into two unjust wars where we had no business being.  I’ll conceed that point, maybe we shouldn’t have sent our troops in to remove Sadam Hussien from power.  What I don’t understand is, why was that worse than our involvement in Lybia?  Bush’s budget deficit was also a huge issue with the libs.  Ok, so spending money that we don’t have is a bad thing.  The federal deficit was more in the month of February, 2011 than for the whole year of 2009 (the biggest deficit year of the Bush Administration).  So again, if a budget deficit was so bad under Bush, why is quadrupling it such a good idea now? 
            I just want to make this as plain as possible.  The Democrats got us into this mess, not the Republicans.  The Republicans are working to get us out of it.  If the Democrats continue to fight against the work the GOP is trying to do, November 2012 will be a very dark time for them.

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