Hello everyone, I've decided to start a new blog that is all about what I think. This blog is strictly my opinion. Anyone is welcome to argue my points of view or agree with them. Feel free to comment.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Can We Debate the Issues?

Many years ago I learned to be as thick skinned as I possibly could.  I was well aware of the fact that people were going to hate me because I voluntarily put on the uniform of America's armed forces.  I knew that many in the armed forces were going to hate me because I chose to wear the Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem of the United States Marine Corps.  I was one of the best, I knew it and I knew people would be jealous.  My buddies and I took a lot of ribbing from the other services, most of the time we just laughed it off, but sometimes they wanted to get rough.  We usually won.  Even though I knew it was happening, I still was shocked when a girl spit on me in the LA airport.  Even that I shrugged off with a look that made her and the whole group of hippies that she was with back off.  But the insults and the hate being thrown at me now are pretty tough to bear.

In 2009 I realized that my country was headed down a path that I didn't like so I stood up and joined the opposition to the Progressive movement.  Since then I have been called a racist, hate-monger, liar and many other terms that propriety prohibits listing here.  I've been told that I should just shut up and let the Progressives do what they wish.  I'm sorry, I can't do that.  And now I've got to talk about my treatment or my head will explode.  

First of all, I am not a racist.  I don't care what a person's skin color or ethnicity is.  I judge a person by what I see of that individual, not by any other yard stick.  A person earns my respect by their bearing, attitude, and whether they can look me in the eye when I shake their hand.  I don't care what color your skin is, I can look into your eyes and see what is in your heart.  

Secondly, I have not felt hate for anyone since I learned what a destructive thing hate is.  I learned that in the jungles of Vietnam.  Yes, I hate the Vietcong and it made me into something that I can still vividly remember but can not imagine myself actually being that way.  It almost burned me up, and I still carry the emotional scars to this day.

And third, I am not a liar.  Before I make up my mind about an issue I study it from not just both sides, but from every side I can get information from.  I get e-mails from many different groups every day.  Seriously, I receive information from groups as diverse as Tea Party Patriots to Organizing for America.  I listen to talk radio and ABC news.  When I've made up my mind about something, I have facts to back up my opinion.  

Most importantly, I welcome anyone with a different opinion to discuss their views with me.  The problem seems to be that seldom do Progressives want to debate the issues, they just want to attack the source of any information not sanctioned by the leaders of the Progressive Movement.  No matter who I quote, Progressives scoff at any reference to from that person and attack them personally.  This is not debating an issue.  This is hiding behind liberal talking points.  

But the invitation is open.  Anyone who wishes to have a conversation about any issue, from abortion to healthcare to the free market or the Constitution.  I'd be glad to sit down and talk to you.  The only rule that I must insist on is that we discuss the ISSUE, not the messengers.

John A. Wilson
Conservative Action Project of Union County

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